Monday, February 8, 2010


So I've been sketching like mad lately. I'm going to start my webcomic soon and hoooopefully someone will find it on the vast internet and read it and then tell someone else to read it. I didn't think I'd end up making short strips but after reading some really amazing comics online I decided to give it a go. It's going to be a 'slice of life' type comic; like a journal of my every day life. Little things that make me smile, or cry, or get angry. I'm going to put sketches up tomorrow maybe WOO! Oh, and I'm obsessed with drawing nudes at the momment. The human body really is pretty amazing. IM NOT A SLEEZE. Oh, and guess where I started working today? I'm the sandwich maker at Wendy's. Well that's exciting.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Today's Work

I made this shirt today =)

Friday, January 22, 2010

My Work

So this is a series of mine. I did it for school and it focuses on body issues, sexuality and gender.

First Order Of Business

Alex Pardee is the best. Ever. His work inspires me ever time I look at his work. His art is morbid and sometimes even disturbingly funny. His style is unique, blending comic book style inking with striking watercolours. Mint.

Hello There.

First post. Woo!
No one's really going to read this. But hey, I have nothing to do; there's nothing on tv.
Hi there! I'm Ash. I like music and art and crafts and the like.
I might post art stuff here, or make a diary if I can be bothered.
I play in two bands that I both love to death.
I love art and one day I want to be a freelance graphic designer (Emy Storey has my ultimate job).
I'm gay. =)
Sometimes I think I'm the definition of cliche. HA
Tima, you better follow me on this blog thingy!
Oh, which reminds me, I ink a friend's comic and I'm thinking about starting a webcomic here, which would be awesome before Uni starts =)
Cool beans.